Complete Employee Services: Why On-Site Benefits Help Companies Win

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Steve Jobs said it best: “My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” Your employees’ most valuable resource is their time. For this reason, employers have been moving to include on-site benefits for their employees. In today’s tight labor market, offering these services is one of the best ways to make sure your employees are happy to come to the office and feeling good about how the company treats them.

A successful business includes happy employees. One of the best ways to show your employees that you care about them is to include great benefits. On-site services are services that come directly to the office to provide care for your employees. Join the future and start including on-site benefits for your company today!

What Are On-Site Benefits?

Some popular on-site benefits and services that many leading companies are offering include:

Wondering if offering some of these benefits to your employees might be worth it for you? We think so! Here is a list of five reasons why these kinds of on-site services are such a great deal for you company’s success and your employees’ happiness.

1. On-Site Services Provide Convenient Access to High-Quality Healthcare

Did you know that the main reason that people do not receive adequate healthcare is because of lack of time? In a study by the American Journal of Managed Care, it was found that the average healthcare appointment takes 121 minutes of the patient’s time. Broken down, this includes 37 minutes of travel time and 87 minutes at the office. It was found that only 8-10 minutes of the 87 minutes spent at the office were spent with a doctor. 

By including on-site healthcare services, you are decreasing the opportunity cost of your employees receiving healthcare by over 50%. With time and logistics no longer an issue, your employees will be more likely to receive the healthcare they need when they need it.

2. On-Site Services Bring Improved Employee Retention

The number one reason employees are unhappy with their jobs is because they do not feel valued. So, how do you show your employees that you value them? Here are our top three solutions.

  1. Ask for feedback and make changes: Your employees often have great ideas for your company! Ask for their feedback and apply this feedback to your business. This will show that you value their work them and their contribution to your company.
  2. Allow your employees to learn and grow: Provide continually training to your employees throughout their time at your company. Show that you value their growth by giving them access to continued education and new responsibility.
  3. Provide unique benefits: On-site services show that you value your employees. Consider bringing in a massage therapist, dental office, therapist, or gym into your office to show that you value your employees’ mental and physical well-being.
employee with red hair working on computer

3. On-Site Services Increase Productivity

The CDC urges all workplaces to promote healthcare to their employees. They have found that the increase of health within employees increases their overall productivity in the workplace. By providing on-site healthcare for your employees, you are adhering to the guidelines set by the CDC along with improving the productivity of your team.

Improved access to healthcare increases productivity because of the following reasons:

  • Healthy employees are much less likely to call in sick due to an illness
  • Healthy employees will use their vacation days to rest and reboot instead of as using them as overflow sick days
  • Healthy employees are more likely to live healthy habits (such as exercise and healthy eating) and continue the cycle of health

4. Complete On-Site Services Make Recruiting Easier

A recent study by Gallup found that 64% of employees said it was “very important” for them to find a job with great pay and benefits. Additionally, they stated that 61% of employees look for jobs that will improve their “personal well-being.” 

In the competitive job market today, it is more important than ever to set your company apart from the competition. By including unique benefits and a focus on the well-being of your employees, you will rise above the other companies. On-site benefits are a great way to differentiate yourself from other companies and recruit top talent. 

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5. On-Site Services Cater to Employees’ Schedules Better

As stated earlier, time is the most precious resource that we have. Your employees have busy lives both in and outside of work. Show that you appreciate their time by making it easy for them to take advantage of the benefits you provide for them. 

Here at Jet Dental, we offer on-site dental services. Our service is focused on convenience and simplicity. We never want dental care to feel like a burden to anyone. Once your company schedules a day for us to come into the office, we will send a digital sign-up sheet for your employees. Each employee can sign up for a one-hour slot of time during work hours so that they never have to stay late or leave the office for high-quality care. 

This on-site service will ensure that your employees never skip out on their healthcare benefits, therefore, improving their overall health and performance. Give us a call today to add our service as your first on-site employee benefit!