How Long Does a Teeth Cleaning Take? And More About What Happens in the Dental Chair

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The dentist: a force that strikes dread into the hearts of men, women, adults and children alike.

Whether it’s the pain, the price, or the time commitment you fear, most of us cringe as we think about mounting the dentist chair. 

But alas, the dentist is an essential part of a good hygiene and self-care routine. Your smile can greatly affect your confidence and the ability to connect with others. When you smile, it releases serotonin which makes you feel happier! Therefore, keeping up with your biannual teeth cleanings will ensure that you have a smile that will boost your confidence and lead to greater life happiness! Sounds too good to be true, but it’s not!

If you have dentist anxiety, you are not alone! 36% of the population suffers from anxiety surrounding regular teeth cleanings. To help ease your anxiety, here is exactly what will happen at your tooth cleaning and how long it will take! 

How Long Does a Teeth Cleaning Take?

Typically your appointment will last anywhere from 45-minutes to 1-hour. It really isn’t much at all. The more frequently you attend the dentist, the shorter your appointments will be because there will be fewer problems to address. If the dentist happens to find a cavity or other oral health condition, they will help you set up another appointment to combat the issue, and your cleaning may take between one and two hours to get everything figured out. 

Here at Jet Dental, we know how valuable your time is! This is why we offer on-site dental teeth cleanings for businesses throughout the United States. If you are a business-owner, consider adding our on-site service to your employee benefits. If you are an employee, let your manager know about our service so that you can attend the dentist on-site. Contact us today! Why go to the dentist when you can instead have the dentist come to you? Best of all, our services are completely free of cost for employers and employees, except for where insurance does not cover.

The Dental Cleaning Procedure

A regular dental appointment includes a few simple steps. It is recommended that you attend the dentist every six months to ensure proper hygiene and to catch gum disease, cavities, and other oral health conditions early. Your exam will include these 5 steps!

#1 – A Comprehensive Oral Exam

A comprehensive oral exam is a manual and visual screening of the mouth and lymph nodes. The dentist will investigate the condition of your teeth, screen for signs of oral cancer, look for cavities, and evaluate your overall hygiene.

#2 – Preparing for Professional Cleaning

The dental hygienist will apply a paper bib or paper towel to cover your shirt to avoid any water or debris getting on your clothing. They may also offer your sunglasses to shield your eyes for the light they will be using to get a better look into your mouth. If you are uncomfortable at any point, let the dentist know! They want you to be comfortable and relaxed and will help you readjust at any time!

#3 – Dental Scaling

Scaling is the first step of every teeth cleaning. It is the process of removing debris and plaque from the gum line and between your teeth. This process is done with a thin metal hand scaler or an automatic ultrasonic scaler. Air pressure and water are used during this process to remove plaque and wash away debris. The scaling process can be mildly uncomfortable, however, if you feel any pain throughout the process, let your dentist know immediately. They will be able to help. 

#4 – Dental Polishing

After all debris and plaque have been removed, the teeth are all set to be polished! The dentist will use a polishing paste in a flavor of your choice and apply to each tooth individually with a small automatic handheld device. It will feel just like an electric toothbrush! The device uses a small rotated head to polish each tooth and make them shiny and bright.

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#5 – Professional Flossing

The final step of the professional cleaning process is flossing! The dentist will floss between each of your teeth, give you a quick rinse, then you’ll be all set!

As you can see, the teeth cleaning process really isn’t as scary as it sounds. If you suffer from dental anxiety, let your dentist know and they will make special accommodations to help you be more relaxed and comfortable during the process. And remember: the more you go to the dentist, the easier and more comfortable it will be!