Jet Dental: Mobile Dental Clinic in Jacksonville

The Traveling Dentist Is Now In Jacksonville

Keep your employees happy and healthy by providing them with the newest coolest benefit. Offering a mobile dentist at your office or workplace is a great way to show your employees that you see and appreciate them. Businesses in Jacksonville, Florida are jumping on the traveling dentist option and loving it. Here are 3 reasons why J-ville businesses love Jet Dental:

We’re A No Cost Mobile Dental Clinic

The best part about providing an on-site dentist is that it doesn’t cost your business anything. You may ask, how can Jet Dental supply a fully functional dental office and deliver it to Jax offices at absolutely no cost to the business? We work directly with the insurance you already provide your employees, or whatever insurance they already have. Anything covered by insurance is available with Jet Dental.

What’s The Process For Working With An On-site Dentist in Jacksonville, FL

It may sound like kind of a hassle to transport an entire dental office throughout Jacksonville, Florida, but it’s actually not. We are in and out of your office 24 hours and you don’t have to do a thing. We transport dental chairs, privacy screens, computers, x-rays, and all the necessities for a standard dentist experience. All you have to do is point us to an empty conference room or break room, and let us do the rest.

Schedule a Call

Set up a quick 15 minute phone call with one of our team members and see if your company is a good fit for our no-cost pop-up dental clinic.

Reserve a Date

Next, choose an open space in your office and a date that works best for your company. Just about any space works - breakrooms, conference rooms, lobbies, etc. We cater to your needs.
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Send Employee Invite

Jet Dental creates a co-branded digital sign-up flyer and you simply forward it your employees. They'll book appointments directly with us through our easy online booking system. We do all the work, you get all the credit!
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Easy As Pie

Jacksonville, FL businesses love a traveling dentist because it’s just so easy. All it takes is a 15 minute phone call to set a date, and we handle the rest. This includes setting the appointments with your employees and sending out appointment reminders. You point us to a basic conference room or other sizable space, and we provide all the equipment you’d find in a standard dental office with our handy truck. We are in and out in 24 hrs, and we leave you with a bunch of bright smiling employees.


Please Your Employees

Offering great benefits is a way to improve employee satisfaction and employee retention. Jacksonville businesses have found that offering a traveling dentist is a great way to do that. That way, your employees no longer have to plan their day around a trip to the dentist. It cuts out travel time entirely. Your employees drive less, and it can actually save your business time and money because employees don’t have to request time off to check off that dental checkup. No wonder employees are so excited about mobile dentists!

Treat your employees to ease. Our highly trained doctors, assistants and receptionists will give your employees every care. We handle insurance claims. We offer teeth cleaning, whitening, x-rays, exams and more. Our team members are friendly and knowledgeable. You don’t have to compromise at all with Jet Dental. Now that services are available in Jacksonville, FL, don’t hesitate to give us a call and set up your appointment with the traveling dentist of Jax.


Ready to learn more and pick a day on the calendar? We’d love to chat!