Jet Dental: Mobile Dental Clinic in Rhode Island

We Bring the Dentist to Your Workplace

The premier pop-up dentist has finally made it to Rhode Island! Jet Dental is now available to businesses throughout the state.

Mobile dentistry is a game-changer. It has completely revolutionized attending the dentist. Employees no longer have to request work off and commute for hours to receive the most basic self-care services. Jet Dental comes right to your office and provides exceptional dental care right down the hall from your desk. Rhode Island is going crazy over these awesome services. Businesses in Providence, Warwick, and Cranston are all quickly learning why mobile dentistry is the way to service your employees. Even if you are not located in one of these major areas, our mobile dentistry clinic serves all parts of the state.

What is the best part of the RI mobile dental clinic? It is absolutely free of cost for both employees and employers. Anything covered by insurance is covered at Jet Dental. We work directly with the insurance you already provide your employees, so most basic procedures are completely accounted for. This only adds to the speed and simplicity a mobile dentist can provide.

Why Are Businesses in Rhode Island Using Traveling Dentists?

In short, Jet Dental brings the entire dental office experience to your workplace. All the setup, all the tools, the staff, the resources. All of it. The only thing you need to do is let your employees know when we’ll be coming, and provide a medium to large-sized conference room or break room of sorts, and then leave everything else to us. When you offer a mobile dentist to your employees, you eliminate their huge headache and inconvenience of having to go to the dentist themselves. It’s no wonder that employees love Jet Dental in Rhode Island.

or call (801) 430-9262

How Much Does Mobile Dentistry Cost?

You’re probably wondering how we can provide full, high quality dental services at the round number of zero dollars. There is no cost to a Jet Dental pop-up clinic, since we work directly with the dental insurance your company already provides for your employees. Jet Dental is in-network with every major insurance carrier in the nation, so as long as your employees have insurance they can rest easy and know that they’re taken care of. The only charges they may incur are the modest copay fees they would pay at the normal dentist when they request a more intensive procedure, like getting cavities filled or a deep clean. But even a deep clean can be a more positive experience if you eliminate the appointment set up, the hassle, and the travel time associated with the traditional dentist! 

What’s The Process To Work With Jet Dental?

Setting up a Jet Dental mobile dentist visit at your office is only a little harder than ordering yourself a coffee. Seriously. Here’s a small summary of the process of working with Jet Dental

Schedule a Call

Set up a quick 15 minute phone call with one of our team members and see if your company is a good fit for our no-cost pop-up dental clinic.

Reserve a Date

Next, choose an open space in your office and a date that works best for your company. Just about any space works - breakrooms, conference rooms, lobbies, etc. We cater to your needs.
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Send Employee Invite

Jet Dental creates a co-branded digital sign-up flyer and you simply forward it your employees. They'll book appointments directly with us through our easy online booking system. We do all the work, you get all the credit!
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How Is The Experience For Employees?

The HR department will send out an email informing employees that Jet Dental will be coming to the office. All the employee has to do is click on the link in the email to choose a time for their appointment and select what dental work they need to have done. Jet Dental will send each employee an event invitation and a reminder the day before the appointment.

On the day of their appointment, the employee just needs to walk down the hall to the designated area of the office. Appointments usually last one hour and include a wide range of procedures:

  • cleaning,
  • consultations,
  • x-rays,
  • comprehensive exams,
  • fillings,
  • scaling and root planing,
  • professional teeth whitening, etc.

The procedures are completely sanitary and comparable to any service you would receive in a traditional dental office.  Not to mention, we scrupulously follow all OSHA and CDC sanitation guidelines. Picture a five star rated dentist that magically appears when you say “Six month checkup”, and you’ve got Jet Dental. 

Ready to learn more and pick a day on the calendar? We’d love to chat!